It’s that time of year! We made it through another solar cycle, arriving at the March equinox (tomorrow, March 20th) and zero degrees of Aries, the start of the zodiac in traditional Western astrology. This decan corresponds to the Two of Wands. Shown above is the Two of Wands from Telos Tarot of 777, shown after it was colored during the Aries 1 decan. The line art had been drawn and inked in a previous Aries 1 decan.
Aries season is the time of year when many people begin a “decan walk” practice.
The decan walk is an accessible and truly enriching way to understand the powers of the decans through direct experience and observation over a solar year. During the roughly 10-day period of each decan, one connects with the energies of the sign and planet involved in each of the thirty-six minor arcana. One observes how they experience them during the actual period of the decan. It is a powerful way to connect to a deck, and to the experience of being a solar being moving through time and space. As the Sun moves through each decan, one notes the flavors of the decan and how it changes their experience of time and space.
It is an especially potent time to work acts of tarot and astrological magick through the lens of the associated card for each decan, and its related dignified planets.
The possible activities one might perform during the period to deepen the connection are innumerable and personal to the aspirant.
They can include (but certainly are not limited to):
- invocations and evocations
- the creation of art
- writing poetry, or journaling
- meditations on the card, pathworking and interacting with the figures
- creation of an altar displaying the decan card and related cards, with appropriate offerings to planetary or other deities
- lectio divina, or devotional reading
- educational reading about the deities, and their stories, mythologies, or astrological elements
The Telos Tarot of 777 was created during several decan walks in a multi-year process of observing the decans while creating the cards. The art was all created using classical art materials, and each was ceremonially made during a corresponding astrological time. They were painted in the appropriate colors according to the color scales of the Hermetic Golden Dawn in 777.
Telos is defined as the ultimate inherent purpose of a thing. The Telos Tarot was designed to be both a traditional tarot and a tool for magical purposes. This makes the Telos Tarot of 777 the perfect companion for initiating oneself via the decan walk experience.
The minors were created in accordance with the “magical descriptions of the decans” according to Aleister Crowley’s book of magical and tarot correspondences, 777.
The magical images of the decans per 777 seem to be mainly (but not exactly) based on those found in the 11th century Arabic astro-magic grimoire known as the Picatrix. Picatrix is the Latin name used; the original title was Ghāyat al-Ḥakīm, meaning The Goal of The Wise. This deck reconciles the decan images with the traditional meanings, symbols, and images of the tarot minor arcana.

The approach of the Picatrix text is to associate the power of the decan with the specific image, considering that the power resides in the image itself and the connection or bridge it makes with the corresponding sector of sky.
I have also incorporated the Golden Dawn’s Chaldean planetary assignment to the decanic minors where they are influenced by the ruling planet of the decan. This association of the planets to a decan is based on the Hellenistic astrological approach wherein the planetary ruler of a decan lends some of its attributes.

In this case, the card is doubly/triply Mars ruled, as the sign Aries is ruled by Mars. The decan ruler is also Mars in both the Chaldean rulerships and the triplicity rulership schema. It’s all Mars all of the time. A fitting start to the solar year, as the sun is exalted in Aries, and Mars gives the spark and energy for beginning. It leads the way!
Above is a gift for initiating your decan walk journey.There are 3 files. There is a large file of the original black and white inked lines of the Telos Tarot Two of Wands. You can download the file, size it however you would like and use it for personal use only. Print it, color it as a meditative exercise, or use it to create a talisman or spell. I’ve included an Aries 1 invocation, also for personal use only.
I’ve also included a file of the Mars square the figure is wearing, that you can use for your creations. It is the basis for the planetary sigils and seals of Mars. The figure of the man in the image wears the Mars square, the Mars seal, and the designs of the spirit of Mars and intelligence of Mars.
The color version of the card at the top also has a red figure in the sky behind the tower. It is a sigil derived from the kamea of Mars (the Mars square) by dividing the 25 numbers 1-25 into five groups of ascending counts of five, wherein the numbers are then connected in order in five continuous lines.
If coloring the image yourself, here are the colors:
Two of Wands, Chokmah in Atziluth: Pure soft blue. Plus the colors of the associated majors.
Colors of the associated majors for Aries (The Emperor) and the Tower (Mars):
Emperor: Scarlet – Red – Brilliant Flame – Glowing Red Tower: Scarlet – Red – Venetian Red – Bright Red, Rayed Azure and Emerald |
Here is the invocation I created especially for this decan, during the decan:
Aries 1 – Invocation of the first face of Aries by M.M. Meleen. For staking claims of true precedence, claiming sovereignty of self, leading the pack, and winning.
I plant my flag.
I claim dominion of the directions.
Ram regardant, I lead the beastly circle.
First son, last born: the decans my destiny.
I break ground.
Motion is mine.
Martial flint, solar spark, as year revolves.
My serpent mouth consumes all, circling round to satiety,
where my dominion is sealed.
Here first I was.
I Am, and ever shall be.
North and South, East and West, Above and Below:
Dominion is mine!
All see:
As it was, as it is, as it shall ever be.
It is known.
Son of the Morning, I marshal the hosts of the mighty.
I draw from the earth-star, the chthonic fiery core. I draw from the star-fire, lead the celestial parade.
By the Ram and the Boar, I claim the peak and the trough.
Above and below, I claim dominion.
By crown and scepter, by hook and flail, by shield and spear,
I prevail.
I declare I am:
Angaraka, born from the celestial sweat of the Lord of Beasts;
Assiccan, Aroueris, Zazer.
As Horus, I stand upon the pillar.
As Emperor, I look out over the rampart.
As Grand Architect, I survey my domain.
I stake my claim on sovereignty.
First I was.
and shall ever be.

The decan walk process also has a protective effect in a sense, as by working with the energies of the planets directly, one is experiencing astrological effects in a proactive way, which can mitigate some of the less desirable planetary transits and effects. It is sort of like homeopathy, where by taking a minute dose of something that causes symptoms, disease is abated. Or something like that, it is a mysterious mechanism but it does do something.
Personally, I am also beginning a decan walk, for the purpose of magical exploration. It will be a goal to perform at least one, if not several, explicitly magical acts during each decan, related to the energies of the decan. Which is also the focus of the book I’m working on as promised as an accompaniment to the Telos Tarot deck.
It’s turning out to be as much grimoire as guidebook. It will have all the symbolism of the images explained, and give all of the “Artist’s notes” or specific artistic inspirations and other asides for the figures in the images, as that has been requested. And of course there will be card meanings to refer to. But it will have much more than that, as it will have all of the information related to each decan, and suggestions for magical practices related to the decan. These practices include the creation of physical talismans, but also will include some less permanent magical actions that relate to the decan. It is coming along and I expect it will be ready before the end of the year.
If you would like to join in on the decan walk process, use your Telos Tarot of 777 and let me know how it goes as we go along. Aries is a great time to begin something. A positive expression of Aries and Mars is initiation. Let the energy of Mars break new ground for you and usher in new magical life as you explore each decan of the year. Dedicate yourself to the work, and things will never be the same.
If you don’t yet have a Telos deck, get one of the very first edition at TarotCart.com. There is a special only during Aries season DECANWALK2025 for 15% off the deck.
Happy equinox and welcome to Aries season!