We are in the last decan of Aries with the 4 or Four of Wands, Lord of Completion. First is the main decan description from Crowley’s 777 that I’m using as the main guideline for these images, plus some alternate decan texts that may have influenced the image in some way. The deity from 36 Airs of the Zodiac for this one is Eros, the child of Aphrodite (Venus) with her lover Ares (Mars), appropriate as Mars rules the sign of the card (Aries) and Venus rules this particular decan. So the beings depicted in the card are appropriately both Martial and Venusian.
Crowley’s 777: Cadent decan of Aries. A restless man in scarlet robes, with golden bracelets on his hands and arms.
Liber Hermetis: It is like a woman erect, adorned with linen tied with gold strings tinted a dark rose color. She has a royal gold [crown] on her head. In the middle of her belly there are belly emeralds. She is holding a four-headed serpent on the top of a staff. The two heads in the middle are to one side and the [other] two are to the opposite side.
Ibn Esra: A yellow man whose hair is reddish, and he is irascible and contentious, and in his hand are bracelets of wood and a wand, and his clothes are red, and he is a blacksmith, and he desires to do good but he cannot.
Picatrix: There ascends in the third face of Aries a man in red and white with red hair, appearing to be angry and deeply concerned, holding a sword in his right hand and a horn in his left hand, dressed in red. He is learned with a perfect knowledge of science and a skilled master in the art of ironwork. He wishes for good and does not want evil.
Agrippa: In the third face ariseth the figure of a white man, pale, with reddish hair, and clothed with a red garment, who carrying on the one hand a golden Bracelet, and holding forth a wooden staff, is restless, and like one in wrath, because he cannot perform that good he would.
Bruno: In the third face stands a man with reddish hair, wearing ruddy clothing, with a bridle in his left hand, wearing a bracelet and carrying a hardwood walking staff in this right hand. Restless and wrathful. his face shows a longing for wealth which he can neither obtain not hang on to.

I’m not sure if I will post every one of these or not. Obviously they are unfinished as not yet colored or shaded, but every one will have the line art finished during the appropriate decan period, or that is the intention. I should probably hold some back though so there can be some surprises. I hope you like these; I am having a blast with this.
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These decans are very pleasing indeed! I look forward to the rest!