Crowleymas, Stardate 2018

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Happy Crowleymas, the feast of the Beast, the birthday or 143rd anniversary of, the birth of Edward Alexander Crowley. Also known as Aleister, Beast, Perdurabo, To Mega Therion, et al. It is for me a day to celebrate the body of work he left […]

So, what’s up with the new deck?

At the end of May, I posted that poll asking you all to vote on the three cards you most want to see when I first post the work on my newest tarot deck. The poll results were posted at the end of June. In case you missed it, here they are: Two more months […]

POLL results!

Last month I posted a poll asking “Which card of my new deck(s) in progress do you most want to see?” The poll allowed everyone to choose up to THREE cards. I thought that might make it easier for the indecisive types to make a choice! Here are the results of the poll, sorted and […]

Ways to use the decan cards in the Tabula Mundi expansion pack

Tabula Mundi Tarot, Colores Arcus edition, has an optional expansion pack of 14 cards. These cards consist of: a Minutum Mundum Tree of Life diagram that shows the corresponding Golden Dawn color scale colors, with the paths (Majors) in the King Scale colors and the sephira (Minors) in the Queen Scale colors, and labeled with […]

Altar of the Fool

Happy April 1st! Just for fun, I thought I’d share a picture of my altar, all done up for the High Holy Season. Yes, it is a slot machine, and what of it? Kether is in Malkuth, after another fashion, after all. It is actually especially perfect for the Fool, with two of Kether’s favorite mottos: […]

Ode to the Parsnip

Ode to the Parsnip, aka I Dig A Parsnip How doth the humble parsnip root Improve our Spring morale How sweet to eat a thawed out fruit Dug from one’s own locale   How patiently he seems to wait How silent, bides his time He passes twice thru Nick’s own gate Before he makes the […]