Tabula Mundi Tarot and the decans

Happy Sagittarius season! My birthday decan is here, the Middle decan of Sagittarius. Happy birthday to all my fellow Sun Sagittarians! This is the time of year when, typical for Sagittarians, I start looking forward to my new solar year. It’s also a good time to review the year we are leaving behind – though […]

Tool and Tarot, Tarot and Tool

I’m proud to have provided artwork and a foreword for the book Beyond As Above, So Below: Understanding Hermetic Tarot Through The Music of Maynard James Keenan by my friend M. Kyndyll Lackey. If you know the music of Maynard James Keenan and want to learn tarot – or vice versa – then this unique […]

Update on my first deck the Rosetta Tarot

This is the 11th anniversary of the Rosetta Tarot, the first tarot deck I ever made, which was published 11/1/2011. Or maybe 11/2, I can’t remember now but it was right around now eleven years ago close enough. Earlier in 2022, the only remaining edition (Papyrus, as shown above) of Rosetta Tarot sold out. I’m […]

Update on progress for the new deck

I realize it has been awfully quiet on my end. I’ve not posted even a peep here or sent out a newsletter in several months. Anyone following may have noticed that there are no longer any in progress images online as I removed them for reworking them and for other reasons. I hope to put […]

Progress: through the Princesses

So thought I’d post a progress update on the new deck. I’ve really been going at it, making good time through the courts, and in spite of the fast pace I am so happy with every single one of them. I think they are my best courts yet. And now, I’m done with all of […]

Beer label art for Stone Cow Brewery – Queen of the Lake

This was a fun label to make. The brewery owner’s mother has a passion for metal detecting, and her prize find was a small silver medallion with a “Lady of the Lake” theme, showing a woman floating in a lake, with some cloud-swirls, reeds, lotus flowers, and possibly a heron in the reeds, though it’s […]

Knight under the full moon in Sagittarius!

Hi friends! I hope the full Sagittarius moon is treating you kindly. Since it has been a while since I’ve posted anything I thought I’d give you an update on the progress of my new tarot deck. It’s been moving along very well! All of the Majors (very exactingly following the 777 Golden Dawn original […]

Thelemic High Holy Days – Day 3 Liber AL: Horus

The third and final day of the anniversary of the reception of Liber AL, the third chapter for Horus or Ra-Hoor-Khuit speaking. Since for the first day I posted a painting with just Nuit, and the second day with Nuit and Hadit, for this third day here is one with all three deities present, the […]

Thelemic High Holy Days – Day 2 Liber AL: Hadit

Day #2 of the Thelemic High Holy Days aka anniversary of the reception of Liber AL, the Book of the Law. This is the second day, wherein the chapter with Hadit speaking was received. So I thought I’d share another painting that is an illustration from Liber AL. While it is still from Chapter 1 […]