The intersection of Art and Magick

In my last blog post I *very* briefly talked about the process I’m using for creating the art for my next tarot deck, as yet not publicly named. To recap, for each card I have been: studying the description in the *source text* (more specifics about what text that is and why in a future […]

March 2021 News

Here we are, in the “Happiness” decan, or the middle decan of Pisces. We happy? Personally, I’m looking forward to Aries season – when Spring (here in the Northern hemisphere) officially begins. It’s been a long cold lonely winter. And it has also been a very long time since I posted anything. Today, March 8, […]

Crowleymas: Stardate 2020

Above image: The Aeon card from Pharos Tarot, copyright 2018-2020 M.M. Meleen Crowleymas, Stardate 2020. ☉︎ in 19° ♎︎ : ☽︎ in 23° ♌︎ : ☽︎ : Ⅴⅴⅰ It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the […]

Tarot IV? Tarot V?

Finally, after our pandemic spring and summer, and all the strange and chaotic events both related and unrelated that have unfolded in 2020, I’m feeling the muse stirring. Finally wrapping up my gardening “fervorino” of the spring and summer seasons. Harvested the onions and garlic, and made more pickles, both fermented and canned, than any […]

Deck inventory updates

For those of you who have been asking, Tabula Mundi Colores Arcus II tarot decks in the large 3.25×5 inch card size with holographic card backs are now available – we happy? Yes! 🙂 Will post a link here on this page when pre-orders open. Going, going, gone…In sadder news, the following decks are now […]

Pharos Tarot numerology info

The Pharos Tarot was named after the Pharos Lighthouse, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. Someone has wondered why the Pharos Tarot Majors decks editions were released in such odd numbers. All are editions of less than 300, not to be repeated. But there are reasons for the numbers chosen for each […]

Fortune’s Wheelhouse News

The Fortune’s Wheelhouse podcast has now recorded over 100 episodes! In the most recent series of pods we are covering astrological signs in tarot, and related cards. We also co-authored a book, which we think of as the Fortune’s Wheelhouse “guide to esoteric tarot” but is really titled: Tarot Deciphered: Decoding Esoteric Symbolism in Modern […]

Who is HRU? Part III

Someone commented on one of the old posts that showed a video of my “Who is HRU?” esoteric pop up book. I realized that while I posted Part I showing the beginning pages and Part II showing the middle pages, I forgot to ever post Part III showing the end pages, including the solution to […]

Tabula Mundi – past, present, and future

I’ve been getting a lot of questions about whether any new editions of Tabula Mundi are forthcoming, since the Colores Arcus edition sold out. The short answer is YES, and soon. I am in the gathering info stage, and figuring out what changes will be made to any new edition, what the printing job will […]