Libra 3: third decan of Libra. Four of Swords

The third and last decan of Libra corresponds to the tarot Four of Swords. While Libra is Venus-ruled, both the decan and the numeric Four cards are Jupiter ruled (Wheel of Fortune, the Greater Benefic or Fortune). 36 Aires of the Zodiac gives the deity as Nemesis, who we think of as a goddess of […]

Libra 2: second decan of Libra, Three of Swords

The magical image of the decan per Crowley’s 777: A man, dark, yet delicious of countenance Ruler of Libra is Venus. Ruler of this decan of Libra is Saturn, which is exalted in Venus. Ruler of the Threes is also Saturn, through Binah. 36 Airs of the Zodiac gives the deity as Kairos, a god […]

Libra 1: first decan of Libra, Two of Swords

Magical description of the decan, per Crowley’s 777: A dark man, in his right hand a spear and laurel branch and in his left a book Lord of Peace, or Peace Restored Ruler of Libra: Venus; ruler of this decan of Libra: the Moon Deity per 36 Airs of the Zodiac: the Erinyes aka Furies […]

Virgo 3: third decan of Virgo, Ten of Disks

magical image of the decan per Crowley’s 777: An old man leaning on a staff and wrapped in a mantle Mercury rules both the sign and the decan. The related deities are Cronus and Hestia. Want to follow along with the creation of this deck? Sign up for the newsletter! No spam and your info […]

Virgo 2: second decan of Virgo, Nine of Disks

magical image of the decan per Crowley’s 777: Tall, fair, large man, with him a woman holding a large black oil jar The Nine of Disks/Pentacles is the secand decan of Virgo. Virgo is Mercury ruled and the decan is ruled by Venus [coming soon] Want to follow along with the creation of this deck? […]

Virgo 1: first decan of Virgo, Eight of Disks

per 777: A virgin clad in linen, with an apple or pomegranate The 8 of Disks or Pentacles is also known as the Lord of Prudence. The ruler of Virgo and 8’s is Mercury, ruler of the first decan of Virgo is the Sun. [coming soon] Want to follow along with the creation of this […]

Leo 3: third decan of Leo, Seven of Wands

Magical image of the decan, per Crowley’s 777: A swarthy hairy man, with a drawn sword and shield The Seven of Wands, Lord of Valour, Leo’s third and final decan, ruled by Mars: Six against one: is this the hill you want to die on? [coming soon]

Leo 2: second decan of Leo, Six of Wands

The tarot Six of Wands is the Lord of Victory, the succedent or middle decan of the fixed Fire sign Leo. 777 describes the decan image as “A man crowned with a white myrtle wreath, holding a bow“. The Picatrix decan description is similar, with the additional detail that this is a man who will […]

Leo I: first decan of Leo, Five of Wands

Per 777: A man in sordid raiment, with him a nobleman on horseback. accompanied by bears and dogs Deity per 36 Airs of the Zodiac: Hephaestus A complicated image for the Five of Wands, the Lord of Strife (and striving). An image that suggests the hunt. The 777 description is likely loosely based on the […]

Cancer 3: third decan of Cancer, Four of Cups

Per 777, the decan for the Four of Cups (Luxury, or Blended Pleasure): A swift-footed person, with a viper in his hand, leading dogs. Except for the male pronoun, it sounds a lot like the huntress lunar goddess Artemis, who was swift and often accompanied by dogs. Her lunar connotations make a lot of sense […]