The Key to the Rosarium

Emblem XXVII. He that endeavours to enter into the Philosophers’ Rosarye without a key, is like him who would walk without feet. ~ Michael Maier’s alchemical opus Atalanta Fugiens of 1618 The Rose Garden of Wisdom has an abundance of various flowers, But the gate is always closed with strong bolts; Only one thing of […]

The Feast of Stars: Nuit, the Maiden, and the Holy Harlot

The Feast of Stars: Nuit, the Maiden, and the Holy Harlot Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. February has some of my favorite holidays: February 1st/2nd and February 14th. February 1st, or 2nd, may be my favorite one of all. This is one of the cross quarter days, halfway between […]

An infinity of secret zodiacal cards?

I thought I’d both show some progress on the secret zodiacal cards coming with the Babalon edition of Tabula Mundi, but also show something about the creation process, and how actually instead of 12 secret zodiacal cards that are obtained by combining the three minors of each sign, there are actually a much larger number […]

The Secret Zodiacal Cards of Tabula Mundi Tarot

As mentioned in the Colores Arcus Kickstarter, the Babalon edition will have at least 12 extra cards. Ever wonder what I was referring to on page 77 of Book M, or in the Nox et Lux Kickstarter, when I mentioned that the Tabula Mundi minors contained secret zodiacal cards? Finally I am here to reveal […]

The Ten of Disks: Adam Kadmon and the Vault

The last of the decanic minors, the Ten of Disks, was the most recent card finished. This card, as the last decan of Virgo which is ruled by Mercury, combines the energies of the Hermit with the Magus, in the sephira of Malkuth.     The following is from Book M: Liber Mundi, the guidebook […]

Leap Year: A Unicorn sighting

February 29th. Leap Day. Here we go, at midnight, or thereabouts.  This post is as rare as a unicorn. As it should be. Warning: this post is brought to you by Neptune on the day-out-of-time. Yes it is out there, and that is the point. Happy Leap Day! One would think, with the name “Leap Day” […]

New Moon in Aquarius: Science

February 8th at 9:38:53 EST This new moon is within the middle decan of Aquarius (at 19 degrees 16 seconds, it is the last degree of the middle decan). The Sabian symbol for this degree of Aquarius is “A large white dove, bearing a message.” Now this degree is very personal to me, as it is […]

Heart of Fire: Regulus and the Fixed Sign Leo

The heart of the Wands suit is the fixed fire sign of Leo, spanning the middle of the Tree of Life, the 5,6, and 7. Here is contained one of the four Royal Stars of Heaven, Regulus, called also Cor Leonis, the heart of the Lion and the Watcher of the North, seen on Tabula Mundi’s Universe […]