Fortunes Wheelhouse podcast final episode

Update from the Wheelhouse: Hello everybody. We have arrived at a major threshold in our journey together. If you are on the Fortune’s Wheelhouse Academy Facebook page, you may have already heard the news that we have decided the podcast has come to the end of its natural lifespan. The last episode was recorded this […]

Deck inventory updates

For those of you who have been asking, Tabula Mundi Colores Arcus II tarot decks in the large 3.25×5 inch card size with holographic card backs are now available – we happy? Yes! 🙂 Will post a link here on this page when pre-orders open. Going, going, gone…In sadder news, the following decks are now […]

Recent Interviews and News

Hey friends….it’s Gemini season so thought I’d send a quick message. I let May totally get me away from posting. In Taurus season I was too busy gardening. That perfectly Gemini statue you see above? Well, you can’t tell yet but hopefully in the next two months to two years, it will be surrounded by […]

The Key to the Rosarium

Emblem XXVII. He that endeavours to enter into the Philosophers’ Rosarye without a key, is like him who would walk without feet. ~ Michael Maier’s alchemical opus Atalanta Fugiens of 1618 The Rose Garden of Wisdom has an abundance of various flowers, But the gate is always closed with strong bolts; Only one thing of […]

Who is HRU, Part II: an esoteric pop up book

This may be the world’s first esoteric pop up book. I showed Part one, the beginning pages of the book, during the Tabula Mundi Colores Arcus tarot kickstarter. If you missed Part I, here it is again: and at long last here is Part II, the middle of the book:

Writing the Rosetta tarot papyrus hieroglyphs

Since the papyrus edition of the Rosetta tarot deck is a redux of the deck first published in 2011, rather than share about the process for the art itself which is already done, I thought  I’d share some of the process behind the new borders being made now, because that is what is exciting to me […]

Rosetta redux: the Papyrus edition

My first tarot deck, before Tabula Mundi, was called the Rosetta Tarot and was published in November 2011. I currently still have some pocket size versions in a tin for it, both with the card bank design (a version of a rose cross) on the tin, or a custom tin with either your choice of card or the […]

The Feast of Stars: Nuit, the Maiden, and the Holy Harlot

The Feast of Stars: Nuit, the Maiden, and the Holy Harlot Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. February has some of my favorite holidays: February 1st/2nd and February 14th. February 1st, or 2nd, may be my favorite one of all. This is one of the cross quarter days, halfway between […]