An infinity of secret zodiacal cards?

I thought I’d both show some progress on the secret zodiacal cards coming with the Babalon edition of Tabula Mundi, but also show something about the creation process, and how actually instead of 12 secret zodiacal cards that are obtained by combining the three minors of each sign, there are actually a much larger number […]

The Secret Zodiacal Cards of Tabula Mundi Tarot

As mentioned in the Colores Arcus Kickstarter, the Babalon edition will have at least 12 extra cards. Ever wonder what I was referring to on page 77 of Book M, or in the Nox et Lux Kickstarter, when I mentioned that the Tabula Mundi minors contained secret zodiacal cards? Finally I am here to reveal […]

Who is HRU? Part I and other news

Time for a little show and tell, to tell you about, and show you a little, of the inside of the world’s most elaborate deck package called “Who is HRU?” First some information. “Who is HRU?” is a prose poem of 418 words. Some time in February of this year, I made a meaningful connection that […]

Kickstarter Link!

Here is a link to the Tabula Mundi Colores Arcus Kickstarter: It starts July 9th at 5:20 AM EDT. Many free gifts for first day backers, and periodic give aways throughout the campaign! Plus a glimpse of the most elaborate deck packaging in the world. What’s inside this? To be revealed during the campaign! […]

Impossible reinheitsgebot astronaut day

Happy 4.23 in year 2016, or Thelemically stated as of 8:20 Eastern: Anno Vii Sun in 4° Taurus, Moon in 22° Scorpio Anno Vii in 4°, in 22° April 23 is both the 500 year anniversary of reinheitsgebot, but also Impossible Astronaut Day. That means you get to drink beer and induce time travel in […]

Rosetta Tarot, as seen on TV!

Update to this post: I did not see the show but by all accounts it was pretty terrible! A lot less tarot than was described and pretty bad TV as well. Oh well. Some shots of the cards and some shuffling. Not very exciting. regarding this post: My first deck, the Rosetta Tarot will be […]

Fool Me Once

Happy April Fools Day! If you are here for the “Two Truths and a lie game, you are in luck!” To recap, your job is to guess which of the following three statements isn’t true: 1) I only have ten more cards to paint, and the date of the Kickstarter for the Tabula Mundi Colores […]

Magazine article: field guide to the animals in Tabula Mundi

The current issue of Tarosophy Magazine Vol II Issue 7 has an article I wrote as a “Field Guide” to the creatures of Tabula Mundi. There is a glossary of divinatory meanings for animals both real and mythological. Digital copies are free to all Tarot Professionals members, and anyone can buy a hard copy. The […]