The Light

From Pharos Tarot, in progress: At last, a new Fool for Pharos Tarot (just one of my new decks in progress – more to be revealed soon). I’ve done so many versions of the Pharos Fool I’ve lost count. Up til now, all of them were revisions of the same design. I kept two of […]

Recent Interviews and News

Hey friends….it’s Gemini season so thought I’d send a quick message. I let May totally get me away from posting. In Taurus season I was too busy gardening. That perfectly Gemini statue you see above? Well, you can’t tell yet but hopefully in the next two months to two years, it will be surrounded by […]

The Walk

Death in my new tarot, Pharos, is called The Walk. No, not for “a long walk off of a short pier”. It’s called the Walk as short for the Widow’s Walk. The Widow’s Walk is the part of a lighthouse outside of the lantern, an enclosed catwalk from which wives could look out to sea during storms. […]

The Lens

The Devil in my deck-in-progress, Pharos Tarot, is called the Lens. It’s the eye of the Lighthouse, gathering and focusing the light. The Hebrew letter corresponding to this card is Ayin, the Eye. That beautiful glow is what I call a watercolor miracle. No other medium can capture light effects like it. Also, Phallus…of…Light! (said […]

The Lantern

And now for a very strange Hermit. In Pharos Tarot (my new deck in progress) he is called the Lantern. I know he is odd, an odd Yod, but so be it. Yes, it certainly is Gandalf. Yes, he is a Yod, growing out of a seed inside a glowing egg that is the light […]

The Rod

The Tower in my new tarot deck-in-progress (Pharos Tarot) is called The Rod. Yep, that’s what she said. Seriously though, in this case it’s referring to the lightning rod. Every lighthouse has one. The (Lightning) Rod, by definition “attracts powerful, typically negative feelings and reactions, thereby diverting interest from other issues.” Fair enough description of […]

The Stanchion

The Hierophant’s Hebrew letter Vav means “nail”. In Pharos Tarot, my most recent deck in progress, the Hierophant is called The Stanchion, which is a vertical pin or post that provides support. It affixes the Lighthouse to the rock. The Stanchion is conductive, bringing the Fool’s fire from heaven down the Pillar of Mercy, from Wisdom […]

The Arc

The card known as Temperance or as Art in the Thoth deck and in my Tabula Mundi Tarot, is called The Arc in my new deck Pharos Tarot. The title refers both to the Arc of the rainbow, the Ark of the covenant, and to something called “the Arc of Visibility”. That’s a nautical term […]

The Foghorn

A sneak peek at a card from my new deck-in-progress, Pharos Tarot. The Foghorn is also known as The Moon. It’s the full moon here, for the zero degree,  on the Pisces/Virgo axis.  The fog glows, but you cannot see the moon. The horn sounds silently, and something vibrates at the back of your head. Something comes […]

The Way…

For the cross quarter holiday and Thelemic holy day, the Feast of Stars, also known as the Feast of Nuit, and Imbolc, I bring you the Dweller Between the Waters, the Daughter of the Firmament. Here is The Star card from my new deck-in-progress, Pharos Tarot. I call this one The Way. The Star shows […]