Tabula Mundi Tarot, Rosetta Tarot, Pharos Tarot, and Telos Tarot of 777, plus all related guidebooks, are available exclusively from Atu House. The Atu House store is located at The Tarot Cart.
For all the keys of Atu House visit
To see more detail about Tabula Mundi Tarot features and pricing, visit The Tarot Cart.
To learn about Rosetta you can also go to
To learn about Telos you can also go to
Heya! We’ve accidentally stumbled across the Tabula Mundi in a thrift store, snatched it because it felt equally familiar and unusual, have learned now about it in leaps and bounds, but have regretfully discovered that the deck is missing the 6 of Cups card (and the signature card). We’re artists as well, and as fun as it would be to make our own card to add to the deck, we were wondering if there was a way you knew of to procure the 6 of Cups card? We would love to complete the deck. All the best to you ~~☆~~
We sent you an email with more info, so check your mailbox.
Hello! I would love a pack of the majors of tabula mundi in the large size. Is that possible? I see pharaoh majors, and mundi majors in xlarge.
Hello Rebecca! Tabula Mundi Majors sets are only available in the x-large (postcard) size 4×6.25″ (both color with foiled symbols, and black and white line art versions). But you could always get the large size full deck and just separate out the Majors for Majors only readings. Thanks for asking!
What is the way it can be sent to Romania please tell me, Thank you.
orders placed on the store are shipped via USPS. just place the order and the cart will prompt you for the shipping address as part of the process. If your country does not appear in the dropdown list of countries they ship to contact the store via email
Hello, Tabula mundi tarot can be sent to Romania
Hello, are you shipping the Tabula Mundi deck to Ukraine? I wanted to place an order, but Ukraine is not indicated in the list of available countries. Great deck, I like it very much, I wish to study it and work with it ? I would be grateful for the solution
I’ve sent you an email!
Hi, I am from Ukraine and I want to buy a Tabula Mundi deck, how can I do it? I would be very grateful for solving this issue.
I’ve sent you an email!
I am wondering if the decans cards are available for purchase separately. If so I’d really love to purchase them to go with a Tabula Mundi I traded for that was supposed to include them… but did not. ? I only made the trade to get those cards, because I already owned a Tabula Mundi! I’d love to not have to buy a third deck in order to buy the expansion pack. Thanks for any info! I tried submitting this question through the Tarot Cart but only got an error.
Hi Alyona,
The decan pack is sometimes sold separately at tarotcart (when there is room for a product listing – the store is only allowed so many). But for now you can purchase it separately at our sister store at – here is a direct product link:
Both stores have a second page of items, so sometimes the listing does not come up on the first page.
You can also always request a Paypal invoice via email to either store. The email addresses are listed on the home page. Not sure why the contact link itself has an error, but email is working!
Hi Looks like the tarot cart website is broken. It does not load up at all. Is there any where else I could buy the deck and book?
Sorry for not seeing this sooner; it got lost somehow. But the tarot cart site is working and has been receiving orders; it must have been a temporary problem. The decks are also available at the Shop link at
Hi, hope all is well!
Was wondering would it be anytime soon the full sized colored version of Tabula Mundi Tarot deck be available?
Thank you!
Hi Lim,
I’m hoping to do so later in 2020, if all goes well, but it’s uncertain exactly when. There are still the mini, the mid size, and just a few of the silver full sized decks available.
Hello! I cannot find the Tabula Mundi deck regular anymore on the website. This deck really spoke to me and I have been holding off buying it for a long time. But now is a perfect time for me to practice on it. Can you please tell me where I can get a deck. It would be greatly appreciated thank you!
Hi Daniel! There is the pocket size deck on You can get it alone, paired with the pocket Rosetta, or with the Book M companion book.
Also, within the next week I’ll be taking pre-orders for a new edition of Tabula Mundi in a larger size. Sign up for the newsletter and you will get first notice for that.
But the pocket size is great if you don’t want to wait!
Hello, I just ran accost these Taro Card images. I feel drawn to them and was wondering How I may obtain a deck. Thank you for sharing. I appreciate you time and consideration.
Hi Joshua,
They can be found currently only at and Thanks for asking!
I definitely want both the full-size color Tabula Mundi (with extra Deccan Cards) and the Rosetta Tarots. I am heading out of town, but will be back in about a week. Will these items still be available (I live in the US)?
Yes, they should be unless something unusual happens. Thanks for asking!
Nowhere to find/buy in Europe?
Thank you very much!
Fine regards,
Hi Sara,
All of my works are self published and completely created by me in small editions. So they are only purchasable directly from one of my sites such as I wish there was a way for me to sell from a place overseas so that European customers could save on shipping and related costs, but unfortunately I’ve not found a practical solution. However I do offer a choice of First Class shipping instead of Priority which saves a little of the postage cost.
I am wanting a notification when your full color deck is published and ready for purchase. Thanks.
Stay tuned here, or subscribe to the newsletter, and you will be notified. I am hoping it will be available mid 2016.