Just thought I’d update with some more about the first decan of Aries, the Two of Wands, and how it is going for this 2025-2026 decan walk, since the first post was about the decan walk process itself. First, I decided to create a playlist of music for the Mars energy of this decan, so […]


It’s that time of year! We made it through another solar cycle, arriving at the March equinox (tomorrow, March 20th) and zero degrees of Aries, the start of the zodiac in traditional Western astrology. This decan corresponds to the Two of Wands. Shown above is the Two of Wands from Telos Tarot of 777, shown […]

The Decans and Tarot – Virgo I, the Eight of Disks

*While we are not in this decan currently, the Telos tarot cards chose this as the decan to post about. The Decans and Tarot. “The decans and tarot” is not the name but is the subject of the new book I’ve been working on, as promised for Telos Tarot of 777. This book is focused […]

Telos Tarot of 777 info

Telos Tarot of 777, was on Kickstarter from June 19th 11:11 am thru July 2nd 5:55 pm. The Kickstarter is over now, but you can still learn more about the deck and watch the video. The deck successfully funded well enough for a glorious printing with all the extras. If you missed the Kickstarter, don’t […]

New deck update: Libra through early Sagittarius

Hello, and happy Sagittarius season to all fellow Sag. Work continues! Just wanted to share a few of the latest cards on my new deck (in progress since 2020!) Here are a few I haven’t yet shared: The 777 description for the Two of Swords, Peace. First decan face of Libra “A dark man, in […]

The new deck – the faces of Aries, Taurus, Gemini

It’s been a long time since I was able to give an update on the new deck in progress. During the span of each sign, I’m working on the color process for at least 5 cards. These are the minor cards whose line art was inked during the “decan walk” of March 2021-March 2022, and […]

Pisces 2: second decan of Pisces, Nine of Cups

The penultimate card of the 36 decans! Happiness, or Lord of Material Happiness, the Nine of Cups is doubly blessed by Jupiter, classical ruler of Pisces and ruler of the middle decan. Pisces’ major is The Moon card (though the Moon itself is the Priestess) which also makes it very comfortable as a Nine (Nines […]

Pisces 1: first decan of Pisces, Eight of Cups

The tarot Eight of Cups, Indolence or “Lord of Abandoned Success”, corresponds to Pisces’ first decan. Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, this decan is ruled by Saturn, and Eights have a Mercury influence through Hod, the eighth sephira. The magical description per 777 is another strange one: “A man with two bodies, but joining their […]

Aquarius 3: third decan of Aquarius, Seven of Swords

Another difficult place in the Aquarius sequence: the Seven of Swords, Futility aka the Lord of Unstable Effort. The sign is ruled by Saturn, the Sevens by Venus, and this decan by the fluctuating Moon. The magical image of the decan per 777 is “A small-headed man dressed like a woman, and with him an […]