Leo 2: second decan of Leo, Six of Wands

The tarot Six of Wands is the Lord of Victory, the succedent or middle decan of the fixed Fire sign Leo. 777 describes the decan image as “A man crowned with a white myrtle wreath, holding a bow“. The Picatrix decan description is similar, with the additional detail that this is a man who will […]

Leo I: first decan of Leo, Five of Wands

Per 777: A man in sordid raiment, with him a nobleman on horseback. accompanied by bears and dogs Deity per 36 Airs of the Zodiac: Hephaestus A complicated image for the Five of Wands, the Lord of Strife (and striving). An image that suggests the hunt. The 777 description is likely loosely based on the […]

Cancer 3: third decan of Cancer, Four of Cups

Per 777, the decan for the Four of Cups (Luxury, or Blended Pleasure): A swift-footed person, with a viper in his hand, leading dogs. Except for the male pronoun, it sounds a lot like the huntress lunar goddess Artemis, who was swift and often accompanied by dogs. Her lunar connotations make a lot of sense […]

Cancer 2: second decan of Cancer, Three of Cups

This was a fun image to work with. Crowley’s 777 lists the decan image as: A beautiful woman wreathed with myrtle. She holds a lyre and sings of love and gladness. The tarot Three of Cups, Lord of Abundance, is the middle decan of Cancer, Cancer ruled by the Moon, with the decan itself ruled […]

Cancer 1: first decan of Cancer, Two of Cups

The Two of Cups is also called the Lord of Love. At first, I found the decan image listed in 777 (which appears to be loosely based on the Picatrix images) a bit perplexing for a card of Love. 777 lists it as “A man with distorted face and hands, a horse’s body, white feet, […]

Gemini 3: third decan of Gemini, Ten of Swords

The third and final (in more ways than one) decan of Gemini corresponds to the tarot Ten of Swords, the Lord of Ruin, ruled by the Sun. As Gemini, again we have twinned beings, but this time, just like in the Gemini mythos of Castor and Pollux, one twin must die. 777 lists the decan […]

Gemini 2: second decan of Gemini, Nine of Swords

The tarot card for the second decan of Gemini is known as the Lord of Cruelty, or by the full title of Lord of Despair and Cruelty which is often more fitting. Crowley’s 777 gives the decan image description as “An eagle headed man, with a bow and arrow. Wears crowned steel helmet.” The god […]

Gemini 1: first decan of Gemini, Eight of Swords

I suppose I should say what this is for newcomers to the site. These posts are a series of line art drawings of the minors, the 36 astrological decans, of my new tarot, name not yet revealed, based on decan descriptions from 777. Well, this is an interesting one! The Eight of Swords, Lord of […]

Taurus 3: third decan of Taurus, Seven of Disks

Taurus III: third and last decan of Taurus, Seven of Disks, is the Lord of Failure – otherwise known as Success Unfulfilled. I like to think of it though as in, unfulfilled as of yet. Because there is always, or should be, a Plan B. The image described in Crowley’s 777 is a challenging one: […]

Taurus 2: Second decan of Taurus, Six of Disks

The Six of Disks or Pentacles, Lord of (Material) Success, is the middle decan of Taurus, Taurus II. While Taurus itself is Venus ruled, the decan is ruled by the Moon, which is exalted in the sign. To make things even better, it is placed in Tiphareth, the sephira of the Sun. Moon and Sun, […]