Taurus 1: First decan of Taurus – Five of Disks

The Five of Disks, first decan of Taurus, is known as the Lord of Material Trouble, or Worry. The sign is Venus-ruled Taurus, the decan ruler is Mercury, and the ruler of the Fives is Mars. In the Thoth deck, five leaden gears grind against each other. In the RWS, two barefoot vagrants in raggedy […]

Aries 3: Third decan of Aries – Four of Wands

We are in the last decan of Aries with the 4 or Four of Wands, Lord of Completion. First is the main decan description from Crowley’s 777 that I’m using as the main guideline for these images, plus some alternate decan texts that may have influenced the image in some way. The deity from 36 […]

Aries 2: Second decan of Aries – Three of Wands

The Three of Wands from my new deck in progress: I’m following 777 mainly and strictly for the decan descriptions but occasionally incorporating some symbolism from other decan descriptions. Crowley’s description of the decan per 777, Succedent decan of Aries: A green-clad woman, with one leg bare from the ankle to the knee. Picatrix: A […]

Aries 1: First Decan of Aries – Two of Wands

That’s right – I’m taking another spin on the wheel, and an image and invocation style decan walk as part of the process to create another deck. Aries Decan 1, 1st, the first face of Aries, the tarot Two of Wands. I began this process on the vernal equinox at dawn (Sunday March 21, 2021) […]

The intersection of Art and Magick

In my last blog post I *very* briefly talked about the process I’m using for creating the art for my next tarot deck, as yet not publicly named. To recap, for each card I have been: studying the description in the *source text* (more specifics about what text that is and why in a future […]

The Works

From Pharos Tarot, in progress: The (Wheel of ) Fortune card is called The Works in Pharos Tarot. The Works as short for The Clockworks (but also as in “give me the works, Jupiter!” LOL) . The clockworks turn to power the turning of the lighthouse’s light, just as the wheel turns by the hand of […]

The Compass

This one has been a struggle. This is the third version and still not totally pleased with it, but I do like it better than the first two. I think the Golden Dawn color scale colors for this one are tricky to work with. Orange, Pale Mauve, New Yellow Leather, Reddish Grey Inclined to Mauve. […]

The House

from Pharos Tarot, in progress: The Magus is called The House in Pharos Tarot, just as the Hebrew letter Beth means House. Where the Fool was the Light, the Magus is the House, mirroring the path of the Fool on the Tree of Life. It’s the shell of the Lighthouse itself, the house of the […]

The Spiral

from Pharos Tarot, a new deck in progress: The Strength card in Thoth is called Lust. The Lust card in Pharos is called The Spiral. The Spiral corresponds to the spiral ramp or staircase that is a part of every lighthouse. The sign is Leo and the Hebrew letter is Teth, meaning “lion-serpent” or serpent. […]

The Light

From Pharos Tarot, in progress: At last, a new Fool for Pharos Tarot (just one of my new decks in progress – more to be revealed soon). I’ve done so many versions of the Pharos Fool I’ve lost count. Up til now, all of them were revisions of the same design. I kept two of […]