Telos Tarot of 777, was on Kickstarter from June 19th 11:11 am thru July 2nd 5:55 pm. The Kickstarter is over now, but you can still learn more about the deck and watch the video. The deck successfully funded well enough for a glorious printing with all the extras. If you missed the Kickstarter, don’t worry, some additional decks will be printed and available this fall on
Kickstarter picked it as a #ProjectWeLove !!!

Telos Tarot of 777 is my latest tarot creation. The idea was to magic a tarot deck suited for magical workings and imbued with astrological potency via a ceremonial art process centered around astrological timings and alignments. Telos means end goal or inherent potential. The image ideas in Telos Tarot of 777 come from Crowley’s book of magical correspondences 777; the “magical descriptions of the decans” for the minors (mostly Picatrix based), and the “correct designs of tarot trumps” for the majors.
You can read more about that process here in the Meet the Fool post and preceding posts, and also at A four and a half year process of creation is culminating soon!
I’m was hoping to launch it around Solstice, or the day before if possible. It launched Wednesday (Mercury’s day) June 19th 2024, late morning EDT around 11:11 AM. Which is the day before the Summer Solstice here, a fitting time for a celebration. I just got the sample deck yesterday and am taking some pictures and video. Here is a sneak peek – look at all the color!

Here is a link to the Kickstarter page.
And here is the project video! With many thanks to my generous and talented friend Sean who filmed it.
Some samples of card back drafts – note none of these are final! I didn’t ask for the white and somehow my printers must have misunderstood! But it shows what is possible. I do like the one with silver. Other colors of foil are possible too. I’m looking at copper now, as many thought the silver looked like copper. That’s because it was filmed in my art studio that has salmon orange walls and ceiling! But copper would be awesome, a reddish copper would be the perfect flashing color against that Scorpionic green!
I’d love to preorder this deck, please email me the logistics…beautiful energy and intention…thank you
Thank you! I’m not taking pre-orders now but it will be available on after the Kickstarter rewards ship.
Hello friend,
Thank you for all your contributions to this space. I have been working with Rosetta for several years and came back to check in for updates. I saw you released a new deck that looks absolutely beautiful and I’d love to work with it. Bummed to see the Kickstarter ended before I could back it, and I’m wondering if there is anyway I can still purchase a deck? Would be so grateful if you have any extra decks 🙏🏼
Thanks for your time, energy and consideration ✌🏼
Hi Ross! Thank you so much. Yes, it was a pretty fast Kickstarter campaign of only 14 days. But there will be extra decks available on in the fall. Or you can email me if you would like to pre-order. Thanks again! MM
I love your work and have your other decks this deck is just amazing. Where can I buy it? I tried to find you on Facebook to ask but I think I stumbled upon an imposter asking me strange things about my credit card so I blocked. What is kickstarter? Sorry for the stupid question but have not seen this before.
Hi Maria,
I’m not on Facebook so anyone you find there is NOT ME! That sounds really sketchy, but that is how the world is I guess. All of my work is sold at This new deck is on Kickstarter now, which is a “crowdfunding” program where people are essentially pre-ordering the product to enable the creator to raise the funds to produce it. But if you aren’t comfortable with Kickstarter, there will be extra decks sold at in the fall. Hope this helps!
I’m just getting into tarot and stumbled upon your decks. I love this. The back of the cards look beautiful. Wish I wasn’t such a newbie so I could pick these up.
Thank you so much for the kind words! Don’t be intimidated. Cards can speak to anyone at any level of experience. Wishing you good luck on the journey!
Love the first option with just tge silver foil. Green foil would be pleasant too. Without gilded edges. Beautiful and magical deck!
Ashé, Mel! Can’t wait to hold these myself. Blessings for a brilliantly successful run for yet another magic deck.
Thank you, and to all who have commented! I appreciate the well wishes. Fingers crossed for a good launch today!
This is so so beautiful! The colour of the box is perfect too. Such a lovely colour scheme on the cards.
I really hope the deck will eventually be released in smaller size as well, since I am not sure my finger are long enough to shuffle it. Fingers crossed
I have small hands too, and shuffle the large cards overhand or by stacking them in multiple piles and then recombining the piles, which is also a method easy on the cards. But I do hope to be able to do these in the smaller sizes at some point. I did the first as large because that is the most popular size.
This is the farmost outstanding and ambitious Tarot work of our times! Connecting us with the beginning of what comes beyond and within evolving fulfillment – standing on the shoulders of giants and to be the first ones to look into an era of something new in unguessed ways… Thank you for that strangely mirroring window to that magical world, which is also enacted thereby.
Thank you!
This is a blue deck if I ever saw one ! Quite soothing.