The Lantern

And now for a very strange Hermit. In Pharos Tarot (my new deck in progress) he is called the Lantern. I know he is odd, an odd Yod, but so be it. Yes, it certainly is Gandalf. Yes, he is a Yod, growing out of a seed inside a glowing egg that is the light inside a lantern cage.

The lantern is also the part of the lighthouse enclosed in glass, just like an actual lantern.

The Hebrew letter is Yod, meaning hand. While you see the Hermit’s hands, instead of seeing the hand holding the lantern, you see the Hermit as the flame of the lantern in his own hand.

Colors are Yellow Green, Slate Grey, Greenish Grey, and Plum

2 thoughts on “The Lantern

  1. A very intense card!! I love it!
    Wish you could make both borders and no borders! Iā€™d buy both!! Maybe you could do a more limited run on the least favorite after all the votes are in; for us loyalists who buy all your decks. This deck is going to be something new for me to study, use and love for a LONG TIME TO COME šŸ˜€
    ?ā™„ļø MM…Melissa Moss

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