This is the 11th anniversary of the Rosetta Tarot, the first tarot deck I ever made, which was published 11/1/2011. Or maybe 11/2, I can’t remember now but it was right around now eleven years ago close enough. Earlier in 2022, the only remaining edition (Papyrus, as shown above) of Rosetta Tarot sold out. I’m deciding if and when a new edition will be possible, and if there is, what to make different about it.
The 11 year anniversary gift is tin, so I though about doing it in a tin, but I already have had a small edition of a few hundred pocket sized decks in a tin. So instead I’m thinking of a printing with metallic ink. I want to do a large size and not a pocket size. I’m even thinking of making a size larger than all previous editions and making the cards 3.25x 5 inches, the same size as Tabula Mundi Tarot, with similarly styled borders that have the astrological symbols.
It will also have English titles instead of the hieroglyphic titles of the Papyrus edition as shown above. The first edition had black borders with English titles, but any new one might have a different color border, as black shows wear easily.
This would be a small printing, as I can’t afford to do a large printing at this time.
If anyone reading this is interested in knowing if and when this happens, or has suggestions for variations on a new edition, please message me at info (at) rosettatarot (dot) com.
Meanwhile, I recently did a cleaning out of my storage space and found a few copies of old editions of Rosetta. Just a handful; I *think* I found one papyrus gold (edition of 220), a couple papyrus regular (edition of 777), one pocket box with the ankh symbol and several decks in tins (I think both were editions of 555). These are either numbered copies that were set aside or that were returned in the mail for various reasons, or extra copies printed over the amount of the numbered editions that were printed just so that I had spare cards for replacement cards in case someone damaged a card, etc.
I’ll make them available to interested parties soon in some way. Maybe as a silent auction or something to make it fair. But that’s all that remains of Rosetta Tarot unless I do another printing. I’d really like to do another printing, but the cost of printing and box making is so much higher now, while my available funds are so much lower! So I don’t know exactly when that will happen and even if it does it will likely be a small print run.
If one is interested in these remaining copies, or in a new edition, you can also email me at the above address.

Hoping there might be a reprint, but excited to learn of the possibility to purchase an existing edition!